Release Notes Timesheet

Support for Safari

Access your ClickTime timesheets using Apple Computer’s new Safari web browser! ClickTime now supports a full complement of modern browsers across Windows, Macintosh, and Linux.

Release Notes

New feature – division managers

New Feature! Managers now have the ability to manage a specific division, multiple divisions, or the entire company.

Release Notes

Updated and Improved Report Exports!

The reports have been revised to improve the results when using the Excel Data-Only export option.

Beta Testing Release Notes

ClickTime 1.70

We are excited to announce the release of ClickTime 1.70! Our system update includes the following:

  • Improved report generation system – There are new and enhanced report viewer options for all browsers and platforms. The HTML viewer is significantly improved and is available to Windows and Mac-IE users.
  • PDF reports – The recommended method of viewing reports is now PDF. The PDF format allows people with Macs and PCs to view, print, and export great-looking reports.
  • Shorten your list of tasks and jobs – Does your company have 20 different tasks, and only 2 of them apply to you? You can shorten your task list and opt-out or opt-in to whatever task you perform. Go to “My Tasks” and simplify your time-entry page. This new feature is similar to the My Jobs option.
  • Updated reports – The Summary by Client report under the Employee category now includes the client number when applicable. We’ve also enhanced the notification feature for the Incomplete Time Entry report. If any problems are detected when sending email notifications, the list of people who could not be sent the notification is now displayed.
  • Desktop Application for Mac OS X – A public beta version of the Desktop Application is now available for Mac OS X. You can download it after logging in by going to the Download tab and selecting the appropriate link for Mac OS X.
Beta Testing Release Notes

Desktop App Beta for Mac

Attention Mac OS X users!
ClickTime is proud to introduce the fully-native ClickTime Desktop Application for Mac OS X. If you would like to download the beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application, please contact us.

Release Notes

ClickTime Version 1.62

The release of ClickTime 1.62 provides companies with more flexibility for administrators and managers and more customization for our international customers. These new features have been implemented:

  • Expanded functionality for incomplete time entries – Edit each employee’s record to reflect whether they are incomplete by hours per day or hours per week. You’ll be able to keep track of all your employees’ time, regardless if they are required to enter 4 hours per day or 40 hours per week.
  • International date structures and currencies – Under your company preferences, pick the currency and the standard date format used by your operation.
  • Multiple deletion/inactivation of jobs – Long job lists are now more manageable with the ability to delete, inactivate, or activate many jobs at once.
  • New Reports – Start using the Employee: Summary by Client report and the Client: Client Billing Summary report for further advanced reporting on your employees’ time. Also, you may now export your employee, client, job, and task lists and your company’s billing rates.
Release Notes

Reports Updated

Reports Updated – The billing rate has been added to the following reports:

  • Employee Reports – Task Summary
  • Division Reports – Task Summary
  • Job Reports – Task Summary
  • Task Reports – Task Summary
QuickBooks Release Notes

ClickTime Updated

We improved ClickTime with the following updates:

  • Variable Billing Rates – ClickTime’s new billing methods give you the flexibility to establish billing rates according to your company’s needs. You may select a billing rate method by:
    • Person: Apply a fixed rate to each employee.
    • Job: Apply a fixed rate to each job. No matter which employee enters time for a specific job, the billing rate will be the same.
    • Task – fixed rate: Apply a fixed rate for each task. Regardless of the job performed, the rate for the task will remain fixed.
    • Task – variable by Person: If the rate of the task depends on whom performs the task, choose this option. Under each employee record, you will be able to apply individual rates to each task.
    • Task – variable by Job: If the rate of the task depends on the job performed, choose this option. Under each job, you will be able to apply individual rates to each task.
  • Updated and Improved QuickBooks Export Report
    If you export your ClickTime data to QuickBooks, the QuickBooks export report has been updated. Even if you have been using the report for years, please read the updated directions, as the file has changed, which means the way it is imported into your QuickBooks application has changed.
Release Notes

New Features & Reports

Due to popular demand, new features and new reports have been added to make your time tracking more efficient. These administrator and user functions have been added:

  • New Functionality for Administrators – Job
    – When creating a new job or updating a job, enter the estimated time you have budgeted for that particular job. You can keep track of actual time versus the estimated time by running the Job Estimate Comparison report.
  • Client Reports – Job, Employee and Task Summary – This report will give you the most thorough compilation of time allocation towards specific clients.
  • Two new reports for all users under “My Reports” – A standard user can now run two extra reports on their own time data with the Job and Summary Task report and a Task Summary report.
Release Notes

ClickTime Updated

We have made new additions to ClickTime in response to several customer requests. Check these out:

  • New log-in screen for returning users – New log-in screen is cleaner and simplified for our daily users.
  • New user security level – If you want to give a user some administrative capabilities such as running reports, adding jobs, or overriding user timesheets, simply edit a user’s account to reflect their security level.
  • Ability to delete a user, task, job, or client – An administrator can now delete users, tasks, jobs, or clients. This capability is best used on items that have no time towards them. Please read in the online help system about deleting an item BEFORE deleting it.
  • New online help system – Our new online support system is very intuitive. Simply click on the “help” button anywhere on the website and you will quickly find the answers to your questions. You can also email support and send your suggestions from the ClickTime help window.