ClickTime Version 10.03.1 includes the following updates:
Bug Fix: Resolved visual discrepancies that appeared when scrolling in the Resource Management grid.
ClickTime Version 10.03.1 includes the following updates:
Bug Fix: Resolved visual discrepancies that appeared when scrolling in the Resource Management grid.
ClickTime Version 9.91 includes the following updates:
Expenses: Users can submit and unsubmit single expense sheets and change expense sheet status from the action menu. Enabling the “Only my approvals” toggle shows the corresponding expense sheets. The filter drawer was redesigned.
Resource Management: The option for budget alerts was clarified in the popup modal. Alerts are sent directly via email.
Bug Fix: There was a bug where managers may see a spinning loading screen when accessing time off balances. This issue was resolved. A manager who approves time off but does not have View People permission can now see balances on Time Off Detail.
Time Entry Completion: Navigation behavior between dates on the TEC Grid was improved. There is now an indicator to show that filters are active and how many.
Various enhancements and styling updates were made across the ClickTime Web App.
ClickTime Version 9.85 includes the following updates:
Expenses: The inner scrollbar in the expense item list was malfunctioning. This issue is now resolved.
REST API: There was an issue with using a POST on Billing Rate unless the BillingRateType was Job. This issue is now resolved.
Billing Rates page: The Company Lock Date was missing from the warning on the Billing Rates page. This issue is now resolved.
ClickTime Version 9.82 includes the following updates:
Company Dashboard: There was a bug with downloading dashboard reports as an image. Therefore, the button to do so has been removed.
Export Reports: The “Export People List” report has been updated to include Billing Rate with additional billing rate models. The Job Availability export report was updated to add “email address” as an exported column.
ClickTime Version 9.81 includes the following updates:
Billing & Payment: The default behavior was updated to show the current year of invoices and to allow PDF downloads of invoices with the original file names. Bugs were also resolved.
REST API: Several properties were added to the GET /Company endpoint.
ClickTime Version 9.80 includes the following updates:
Billing & Payment: The Billing & Payment page can be accessed via Company Preferences. This page includes design enhancements and the ability to review past invoices and corresponding payments
Automated Notifications Bug Fix: There was an issue where companies without timesheet approvals could not edit the message. This is now resolved.
Report Bug Fix: There was an issue with using the picker for the Project, Task & Person Summary with Comments report for certain users. This issue is now resolved.
Historical Billing Rates: There was an issue where Historical Billing Rate Updates were not respecting the date parameter set within the update. This is now resolved.
Rate Card Report: The Rate Card Report now includes additional columns.
ClickTime Version 9.79 includes the following updates:
SCIM Provisioning: There was an issue with SCIM where Division value would be removed during a specific workflow. This is now resolved.
Expenses: There was an issue with Expenses list view where the date no longer appeared on expense items. This is now resolved.
REST API: When updating the cost rate and billing rate via API, the Audit Log now records the person who took the action.
The stored holiday list in ClickTime was updated for 2026.
ClickTime Version 9.77 includes the following updates:
Expenses Bug Fixes:
Time Entry Completion:
For more information about Time Entry Completion, consult our help documentation.
ClickTime Version 9.68 includes the following updates:
Resource Management Bug Fixes:
Expenses Bug Fix:
ClickTime Version 9.66 includes the following updates:
For more information on Resource Management, consult our help documentation.