Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 10.03.1

ClickTime Version 10.03.1 includes the following updates:

Bug Fix: Resolved visual discrepancies that appeared when scrolling in the Resource Management grid.

Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.94

ClickTime Version 9.94 includes the following updates:

Automated Notifications: There was a bug where certain users were not receiving Time Off notification emails. This issue is now resolved.

Expenses Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.74

ClickTime Version 9.74 includes the following updates:

Expenses Bug Fix:

  • Expenses users previously needed to click each field to type in the date. This issue is resolved and users can now click into the date field when entering an expense item and tab from day to month to year (or month to day to year).

For more information about Expenses, please consult our help documentation.

Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.67

ClickTime Version 9.67 includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes:

  • REST API: There was an issue where POST/Clients returned incorrect property reference when the requested name was not unique. This issue is now resolved.
  • Legacy Report Builder: There was an issue where .CSV exports from Legacy Report Builder were exporting .ASPX files instead of .CSV format. This issue is now resolved.

Release Notes Resource Management Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.66

ClickTime Version 9.66 includes the following updates:

  • Resource Management Dashboard Filters: We are pleased to announce the release of Resource Management Dashboard Filters. Users can create filtered views of the Dashboard using existing filtering capabilities and interfaces, optimizing for speed and iterability.

For more information on Resource Management, consult our help documentation.

  • Bug Fix – Task Summary Report: Users may have experienced issues loading the Task Summary Report. This issue is now resolved.
  • API Documentation: The model for the GET Allocations endpoint was corrected in our comprehensive documentation.
Release Notes Time Tracking Timesheet

ClickTime Version 9.65

ClickTime Version 9.65 includes the following updates:

  • Timesheet Override Bug Fix – Users may have experienced issues overriding Timesheets in ClickTime. This issue is now resolved.
  • Timesheet Attestation Bug Fix – Users may have noticed formatting issues with the Timesheet Attestation text on the Horizontal Timesheet Report. This issue is now resolved.

Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.63

ClickTime Version 9.63 includes the following updates:

REST API Bug Fix: There was an issue with POST / PATCH calls for users with weekly Time Entry Completion requirements. This issue has been resolved.