ClickTime Version 10.03.1 includes the following updates:
Bug Fix: Resolved visual discrepancies that appeared when scrolling in the Resource Management grid.
ClickTime Version 10.03.1 includes the following updates:
Bug Fix: Resolved visual discrepancies that appeared when scrolling in the Resource Management grid.
ClickTime Version 9.86 includes the following updates:
Resource Management Editable Capacity View: Users can now make edits within Capacity View and can manage allocations for multiple months at a time. This empowers them to do longer term capacity planning, & basic resource forecasting.
Resource Management Grid: Color was added to certain elements to indicate items that are clickable.
Rate Card Report: There was an issue where the Rate Card Report was not showing the correct rate type for certain billing models. This issue is now resolved.
REST API: Requests that hit the 1.3 API will return an error, as this version is no longer available.
Timesheet Completion: There was an issue with Timesheet Completion where users in certain scenarios were prevented from submitting timesheets. This issue is now resolved.