The release of ClickTime 1.62 provides companies with more flexibility for administrators and managers and more customization for our international customers. These new features have been implemented:
- Expanded functionality for incomplete time entries – Edit each employee’s record to reflect whether they are incomplete by hours per day or hours per week. You’ll be able to keep track of all your employees’ time, regardless if they are required to enter 4 hours per day or 40 hours per week.
- International date structures and currencies – Under your company preferences, pick the currency and the standard date format used by your operation.
- Multiple deletion/inactivation of jobs – Long job lists are now more manageable with the ability to delete, inactivate, or activate many jobs at once.
- New Reports – Start using the Employee: Summary by Client report and the Client: Client Billing Summary report for further advanced reporting on your employees’ time. Also, you may now export your employee, client, job, and task lists and your company’s billing rates.