Beta Testing Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 6.71

We are pleased to release ClickTime version 6.71. The update includes a new Desktop Application and performance improvements. The changes are as follows:

  1. ClickTime Desktop Application - Version 3.1.103 of the Desktop Application is now available. The new version implements improvements and fixes issues based on customer feedback. The next time you launch the Desktop Application it will automatically update to the latest version.
  2. List Views – We've continued enhancing the functionality and customizability of managing lists of people, clients, projects, tasks and divisions. We'll now remember how many rows per page you want displayed and dramatically improve performance with IE 7. We've also made it faster to add and remove columns from each list view.
  3. Day View (beta) – We fixed an issue when using start/end times and the stopwatch while in certain time zones.
Estimation Expenses News Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 6.7

We are very happy to announce the release of ClickTime version 6.7. The update includes new managerial permissions and advanced list views to manage your employees, clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. The changes are as follows:

  1. Managerial Permissions - You can now grant and remove a manager's ability to view employee, client, job, task, expense and division lists. When a manager doesn't have the ability to view one or more of these lists, the corresponding navigational links will be hidden. In addition to these new options, we've improved how the managerial permissions are organized and displayed when adding and editing people.
  2. List Views – We've significantly enhanced the functionality and customizability of managing lists of people, clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. You can now add and remove columns in each of these list views, including custom fields. Searching a list will search all visible columns. Additionally, columns can be re-ordered and resized to adapt the lists to each person's preference. For example, you can now add to the "people list" a person's designated timesheet approver, employment type and division. Or add a project's estimated hours and location to the job list and then search for all projects being worked on by the New York office.
  3. Updated UI – Along with the new look of our list views, we've started updating the look and feel of other pages under the Company tab. You'll notice the modernized interface when adding and editing people, clients, jobs, tasks and divisions. You can expect to see these changes in other areas of ClickTime over the next few months.
Beta Testing News Release Notes Timesheet

New Desktop Application – Version 3.1

Desktop128We are happy to announce the release of the new ClickTime Desktop Application, version 3.1. Our friends at Archetype put the finishing touches on the application during the past few weeks and it's finally ready for everyone to use it.

We want to thank all of our customers who have been using the beta version during the past several months and giving us great feedback. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

If you have a prior version installed, it should automatically update to the new version the next time you open it. If you are still using version 2.0 of the Desktop Application, please sign-in and download the new version today. We will be discontinuing support for the old 2.0 version on February 1, 2011.

Beta Testing Expenses News QuickBooks Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 6.61

We are happy to announce the release of ClickTime version 6.61. The update includes new versions of the ClickTime Desktop Application and the ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks®. The changes are as follows:

  1. Desktop App - The ClickTime Desktop Application is now at version 3.01. The beta testing process is now completed and the application is available to all customers. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Otherwise, after signing in, you can download and install the new version from the Applications section under the Personal tab.
  2. Day View Beta – We've made the new version of our Day View beta available to more customers. An option to "Try New Day View" will appear on the original Day View if your company has access to the new beta.
  3. ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks® – An updated beta version is now available to all customers. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Otherwise, to download and use the new Connector for QuickBooks®, make sure your accounting application is set to QuickBooks in your company preferences, and then go to the Integration section under the Company tab.
  4. Payroll Report – We updated the payroll report to include only approved timesheets when specified. The payroll report can be accessed from the People category under the Reports menu.
Beta Testing Expenses News Release Notes Timesheet Web Services

ClickTime 6.6

We are happy to announce the release of ClickTime version 6.6. The update includes new expense tracking functionality and significant updates to the Day View beta. The changes are as follows:

  1. Expense Receipts - We added the ability to upload receipt images to your expense sheets. You can now easily attach an image for any expense you add to your expense sheet. The receipt image may be in a PNG, BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF or PDF format.
  2. Day View Beta - We updated the new Day View beta time entry screen. New features include support for start-and-end times and break time, as well as stopwatch improvements. Now anyone can choose to input their timesheet using start-and-end times (e.g. start at 10am and end at 11:30am) via the Options menu.
  3. Timesheet View - We made various improvements to the new Timesheet View. The improvements include consistent ordering of comments between the on-screen and corresponding printable PDF version.
  4. New Currency Options - We added the Central African CFA franc and the Czech Koruna as currency options. You can now enter your expense items in these currencies. You may also select either of these as your company's primary currency via Company Preferences.
  5. Timesheet Review - We significantly improved the performance of the Timesheet Review. This is most noticeable when reviewing hundreds of timesheets at a time.
  6. Desktop App - The beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application now properly enforces note requirements with each time entry when a person is configured for it. 
  7. Web Services - We updated web services to properly verify that a note exists when a person is required to enter notes with each time entry.
  8. Bulk Editing - Your date format preference (mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy) is now reflected when selecting the date range and previewing the data you want to edit.
  9. Advanced Billing Rates - The advanced billing rate options are now available to Corporate customers only. Existing customers on the Basic plan who were already using an advanced billing rate model will be able to continue using their current account without any changes.
Beta Testing News Release Notes

ClickTime Desktop Application Updated

A new beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application is available to all customers. This update resolves issues that some customers experienced when signing in after previously using the application in an offline mode. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Otherwise, after signing in, you can download and install the new version from the Applications section under the Personal tab.

We appreciate the cooperation of our customers who helped identify these sign-in issues and our friends at Archetype for resolving them. Please let us know if you have any issues, suggestions or other comments about the Desktop Application. Your feedback is very important to us.

Beta Testing Expenses News QuickBooks Release Notes

QuickBooks 2011 Compatibility

QuickBooks 2011 We are happy to announce that the ClickTime Web Application and the ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks® are compatible with the recently released QuickBooks 2011. The ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks, a public beta available to all customers, allows companies to integrate timesheet and expense data seamlessly with QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, and QuickBooks Enterprise (2005-2011). The latest version of the Connector now confirms that time tracking is enabled in your QuickBooks file before you can start importing time.

To download and use the latest public beta of the Connector, just sign in and set your accounting application to QuickBooks in your company preferences, and then go to the Integration section under the Company tab. If you have already installed a previous beta version, it will automatically update itself the next time you open the Connector.

The ClickTime Connector is a big improvement over the old IIF export formats. We encourage all QuickBooks users to try the new ClickTime Connector and let us know if you have any issues or enhancement requests.

Beta Testing News Release Notes

ClickTime Desktop Application Update

A new beta version of the ClickTime Desktop Application is available to all customers. This update resolves issues that some customers experienced while using the stopwatch feature. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Otherwise, after signing in, you can download and install the new version from the Applications section under the Personal tab.

We appreciate the cooperation of our customers who helped identify this issue and our friends at Archetype for resolving it quickly.

Beta Testing News QuickBooks Release Notes

ClickTime 6.52

We are pleased to announce the release of ClickTime version 6.52. The update includes many improvements to the Timesheet View, as well as updates for the ClickTime Desktop Application and ClickTime Connector for QuickBooks®. The changes are as follows:

  1. Timesheet View: Notes – We added the ability to view a list of all your timesheet notes from the timesheet grid. Just click the “SHOW” button at the bottom of the screen to view the Notes panel. You can then drag and resize the notes area as desired. We’ve also included a search feature so you can quickly find specific notes from your timesheet. This new functionality appears on your personal timesheet and when reviewing or approving other people’s timesheets.
  2. Timesheet View: Other Improvements – We added the ability to hide tasks from the Timesheet View for our customers who want less details on their timesheet. We also improved the amount of information that fits on each page when viewing the PDF version of your timesheet. Numerous other improvements were also implemented based on the great customer feedback we received.
  3. ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks® – An updated beta version is now available to all customers. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Otherwise, to download and use the new Connector for QuickBooks®, make sure your accounting application is set to QuickBooks in your company preferences, and then go to the Integration section under the Company tab.
  4. ClickTime Desktop Application – Our friends at Archetype have fixed a couple issues reported by customers in the latest beta release. This beta version of the Desktop Application is available to all customers from the Applications section under the Personal tab after signing in. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Your feedback is very important to us.
  5. Deleting Clients, Jobs, Tasks and People – We updated the process for deleting items including clients, jobs, tasks and people. You will now be prevented from deleting any of these items if they are associated with any timesheet or expense sheet entries. You can still, however, mark these items as “inactive” in order to hide them from your time entry, expense entry and reporting options or to disable logins of former employees.
Beta Testing Expenses Mobile Devices News QuickBooks Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 6.51

We are happy to announce the release of ClickTime version 6.51. The update includes new billing rate functionality and improved workflow and navigation improvements. The changes are as follows:

  1. Billing Rates – We added the ability to set your clients, projects, jobs, tasks and employees to use a default company billing rate. Along with other new billing rate workflow improvements, you can now easily implement changes to your company's billing rates as of a specific date in the past and apply those changes to locked and unlocked timesheets.
  2. Navigation Improvements – We removed and reorganized some options in the navigation to simplify your selection, and to minimize the vertical space needed when using the application. There are now only two primary areas designated by tabs: Personal and Company. The ClickTime Desktop Application can now be downloaded from the "Applications" area under the Personal tab. The ClickTime Connector for use with QuickBooks can now be downloaded from the Integration section under the Company tab. The "help" and "sign out" links are now in the top-right corner on all pages. The links for entering expense sheets will no longer be shown to customers who don't utilize the feature.
  3. ClickTime Desktop Application – Our friends at Archetype have fixed several issues in what hopefully will be the final beta release. This update fixes issues reported by customers regarding offline mode usage, and improved time zone support when entering and displaying start and end times with each timesheet entry. This beta version of the Desktop Application is available to all customers from the Applications section under the Personal tab after signing in. If you have a previous beta version installed, you should be prompted to update to the new version upon opening the application. Please let us know if you have any issues, suggestions or other comments about the application. Your feedback is very important to us.
  4. Updated Mobile Sign-In Page – We updated the mobile sign-in page for non-WebKit-based browsers.
  5. Nigerian Naira – We added the Nigerian Naira (NGN) as a currency option. You can now enter your expense items in this currency. You may also select the Naira as your company's primary currency via Company Preferences.