Expenses Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.74

ClickTime Version 9.74 includes the following updates:

Expenses Bug Fix:

  • Expenses users previously needed to click each field to type in the date. This issue is resolved and users can now click into the date field when entering an expense item and tab from day to month to year (or month to day to year).

For more information about Expenses, please consult our help documentation.

Expenses Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.73

ClickTime Version 9.73 includes the following updates:

Resource Management Dashboard Update: When a user has set any people or project filters on the RM dashboard or grid, there will be an indication in the sub-header which indicates how many people and projects are currently being viewed against their corresponding totals for their account.

For more information on the Resource Management Dashboard, consult our Help Documentation.

Expenses Bug Fixes:

  • There was an issue with using the Tab key on the “Mark as Paid” window for the Check number field. This issue is resolved.
  • There was an issue with deleting an expense sheet associated with inactive users. This issue is now resolved.

Expenses Improvements:

  • The Save and Add Next button and functionality is now extended to Expense Approvals.
  • All dropdown values are now grouped together

For more information on Expenses, consult our Help Documentation.

MyTEC Bug Fixes:

  • There was an issue with number rounding and managers receiving a 500 error in MyTEC. These issues are now resolved.

REST API Updates:

  • The /Tasks/{taskID}/Jobs endpoints were made public.
  • The AlternativeTimeOffTypes and AlternativeTimeOff endpoint groupings were made public.

For more information about our API, consult our documentation.


  • ClickTime supports SCIM provisioning for Azure AD, OneLogin and Okta.

For more information about SCIM, consult our help documentation.

Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.70

ClickTime Version 9.70 includes the following updates:

  • Minor bug fixes & improvements
Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.69

ClickTime Version 9.69 includes the following updates:

REST API: New “BillingRates” endpoints are available for retrieving and updating rates for all advanced billing rate options.

For more information about our REST API, consult our help documentation.

Expenses Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.68

ClickTime Version 9.68 includes the following updates:

Resource Management Bug Fixes:

  • The date picker in Resource Management was not navigating to the correct date when selecting a month in the past. This issue is resolved.
  • Previous search results on the Resource Management Filter Pop were still displaying after clearing filters. This issue is resolved.
  • The Resource Management Spreadsheet Export was previously not respecting filter settings. This issue is resolved.

Expenses Bug Fix:

  • The timezone of submitted expenses was displaying in Pacific time, rather than the user’s local timezone. This issue is resolved.
Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.67

ClickTime Version 9.67 includes the following updates:

Bug Fixes:

  • REST API: There was an issue where POST/Clients returned incorrect property reference when the requested name was not unique. This issue is now resolved.
  • Legacy Report Builder: There was an issue where .CSV exports from Legacy Report Builder were exporting .ASPX files instead of .CSV format. This issue is now resolved.

Release Notes Resource Management Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.66

ClickTime Version 9.66 includes the following updates:

  • Resource Management Dashboard Filters: We are pleased to announce the release of Resource Management Dashboard Filters. Users can create filtered views of the Dashboard using existing filtering capabilities and interfaces, optimizing for speed and iterability.

For more information on Resource Management, consult our help documentation.

  • Bug Fix – Task Summary Report: Users may have experienced issues loading the Task Summary Report. This issue is now resolved.
  • API Documentation: The model for the GET Allocations endpoint was corrected in our comprehensive documentation.
Release Notes Time Tracking Timesheet

ClickTime Version 9.65

ClickTime Version 9.65 includes the following updates:

  • Timesheet Override Bug Fix – Users may have experienced issues overriding Timesheets in ClickTime. This issue is now resolved.
  • Timesheet Attestation Bug Fix – Users may have noticed formatting issues with the Timesheet Attestation text on the Horizontal Timesheet Report. This issue is now resolved.

Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.64

ClickTime Version 9.64 includes the following updates:

  • Minor bug fixes & improvements
Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.63

ClickTime Version 9.63 includes the following updates:

REST API Bug Fix: There was an issue with POST / PATCH calls for users with weekly Time Entry Completion requirements. This issue has been resolved.