Expenses Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.13

ClickTime Version 9.13 includes the following updates:

  • NonProfit Setup Wizard – We made various improvements to the setup wizard for NonProfit organizations.
  • Time Off Requests – improved performance when making time off requests and approving them, especially for requests for longer periods of time.
  • Time Off Reports – Updated preview images for two time off reports that appear in “My Reports” under the Personal tab to clearly identify the images as showing sample data and not the logged-in person’s actual time off history.
  • SOAP – All requests to the SOAP API must now be made securely (https).
  • Bug fix – Fixed issues so that people who sign in with Single Sign-On (SSO) get returned to the appropriate SSO login prompt after signing out of the ClickTime web app.
  • Bug fix – Fixed issue in which a person was directed to the wrong page after clicking a link an Expense Sheet Approval notification email and authenticating using Single Sign-On (SSO).
Beta Testing Expenses Release Notes

ClickTime Version 9.06

ClickTime Version 9.06 includes the following updates:

  • Time Entry Completion – Added support for displaying more than one hundred active divisions and one hundred employment types in the drop-down filter options. Also, the notification options are now properly hidden when viewed by a manager without the appropriate permissions.
  • Expense Export (beta) – Fixed issues that occurred for some people when first loading the page. Also fixed issue when filtering by client so that all relevant expenses are now shown, not just recent expenses.
Business Intelligence & Analytics Expenses Mobile Devices Release Notes Timesheet Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.01

ClickTime Version 9.01 includes the following updates:

  • Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) – this robust new platform allows you to visualize ClickTime data in new ways, monitor trends, schedule reports for automatic distribution, and more! BI&A is available to existing Enterprise and Premier customers. Please contact your Customer Success Manager, or the ClickTime Support Team, if you’d like to learn more.
  • REST API v2: Jobs/{jobID}/Divisions – Added the ability to manage Project List Controls for companies using the “moderate” setting (control which projects are visible to each division).
  • REST API v2: Jobs/{jobID}/Users – Added the ability to manage Project List Controls for companies using the “maximum” setting (control which projects are visible on a person-by-person basis).
  • REST API v2: Jobs/{jobID}/Tasks – Added the ability to manage Task List Controls for companies set to control which tasks are visible based on the project selected.
  • REST API v2 – Added the “TimesheetModelCustomNumberOfDays” property to the “GET /Company” endpoint.
  • Improved the “Action Comment” details listed in the audit log regarding timesheet actions (submitting, rejecting, approving, etc.).
  • Bug fix – Fixed issue with Azure AD single sign-on (SSO) logins that would fail when initiated from the identity provider.
  • Bug fix – Fixed an issue with the REST API v2 “PATCH /ExpenseItems” endpoint when a manager edited an expense item and incorrectly attempted to change the mileage rate. The company’s default mileage rate is now used rather than setting the rate to zero.
  • Bug fix – Fixed an email issue when submitting an expense sheet for approval from the mobile app. Expense type names are now properly appearing in the expense sheet approval request email.
Expenses Release Notes Time Tracking Timesheet Web Services

ClickTime Version 8.95

ClickTime Version 8.95 includes the following updates:

  • Change Approver for Multiple People – Using new options from the “Actions” menu on the People list view under the Company tab, you can now change the timesheet, time off and expense approvers for multiple people at the same time. This makes necessary changes easier when people are on extended leave or transitioned into different roles.
  • We added a “Date Created” column to the Customizable Data Export report. This column shows the creation date for each time entry.
  • Bug fix – Resolved a couple of minor issues with the Expense endpoints in REST API v2.
  • Bug fix – Fixed issue that could result in Quick Week adding hours past a person’s end date.
  • Bug fix – Fixed issue with the “find and replace” time off that might cause an incorrect time off balance to be displayed.
  • Known issue – People using Internet Explorer (IE), which is no longer supported, cannot submit timesheets for approval from Week View. Attempting to do so will result in an error.
Expenses Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 8.94

ClickTime Version 8.94 includes the following updates:

  • We added REST API v2 endpoints to support administrative Expenses functionality. Visit our REST API v2 documentation for more information on how to retrieve, create, update, and delete Expenses as an Administrator.
  • We added a “Date Created” column in the Timesheet Data Export reports, available under the Miscellaneous category from the Reports page. This column shows the creation date for each time entry.
  • Bug fix – We resolved a display issue on the “Update Leave Type Balances” page that could cause the date field to appear cut off.
Expenses Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 8.92

ClickTime Version 8.92 includes the following updates:

  • Bug fix – Resolved issue with “GET /Me/ExpenseSheets/{expenseSheetID}/Actions” REST API v2 endpoint that might suggest some actions that weren’t possible when the specified expense sheet had no associated expense items.
Expenses Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime Version 8.89

ClickTime Version 8.89 includes the following updates:

  • We added REST API v2 endpoints to support Expenses functionality. Visit our REST API v2 documentation for more information on how to retrieve, create, update, and delete Expenses.
  • Bug fix – resolved an issue with the Company Dashboard that interfered with adding the “Reports” panel.
  • Bug fix – resolved an issue with the “PATCH /Divisions” REST API v2 endpoint that could result in an error when no custom fields exist.
Expenses Release Notes Resource Planning

ClickTime Version 8.81

ClickTime Version 8.81 includes the following updates:

  • Our Integrations page is updated to reflect additional SSO options and the currently-supported versions of QuickBooks.
  • Improved the look-and-feel of the “Time Off and Accrual Detail” report available from “My Reports.”
  • Bug fix – We resolved several miscellaneous issues with Resource Planning.
  • Bug fix – People using a specific version of the Safari browser will no longer lose their session when submitting, rejecting or approving expense sheets.
  • Bug fix – We resolved an issue when adding a person that could result in an Accrual Rate not getting saved if the corresponding Leave Type did not also have a Maximum Balance.
Expenses Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 8.13

ClickTime Version 8.13 is now live.

This release includes:

  1. We have updated mileage reimbursement rates for new accounts.
  2. Bug Fix – We resolved an issue that occasionally caused the approver name to report incorrectly in the Horizontal Timesheet Report.
Beta Testing Expenses Release Notes

ClickTime 8.05

ClickTime Version 8.05 is now live.

This release includes:

  1. Reporting system update – we have updated our reporting engine to provide more robust reporting capabilities.
  2. Bug Fix – Expense Export (beta) has been fixed to resolve an issue with duplicate information.