Expenses Mobile Devices News Noteworthy Reads Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime Mobile App for Android Updated

There's a new version of the ClickTime Mobile app for Android devices. ClickTime Mobile lets you record and submit time and expenses while you're on the go. This release (version 1.3.124 for Android) includes the ability for managers and administrators to approve timesheets and fixes previously reported issues with Samsung Galaxy S5 and Note4 devices.

Go to the Google Play store to download the new version.

Please let us know about any suggestions, feedback, or issues you may have with the mobile app.

ClickTime Mobile app available on Google Play

Expenses Mobile Devices News Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime Mobile App Updated with Timesheet Approvals

There's a new version of the ClickTime Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. ClickTime Mobile lets you record and submit time and expenses while you're on the go. With the new version, you can also now approve timesheets from your mobile device. This release (version 1.3.008) includes the following:

  • Timesheet Approvals – if you’re someone’s approver, you can now review those timesheets directly from your mobile device and either approve or reject each timesheet as needed.
  • Improved compatibility with iOS 8.
  • Miscellaneous minor improvements.

Go to the App Store or the Google Play store to download the new version.

Please contact us and let us know about any suggestions, feedback, or issues you may have with the mobile app.

ClickTime Mobile App available on the App Store  ClickTime Mobile app available on Google Play

Expenses Mobile Devices Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime Mobile App Update for Android

There's a new version of the ClickTime Mobile app for Android devices. ClickTime Mobile lets you record and submit time and expenses while you're on the go. This release (version 1.2.326 for Android) includes some minor bug fixes and supports Android version 2.3 and newer.

Go to the Google Play store to download the new version.

Please contact us and let us know about any suggestions, feedback, or issues you may have with the mobile app.

ClickTime Mobile app available on Google Play

Expenses Mobile Devices News Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime Mobile Updated for iOS and Android

There's a new version of the ClickTime Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. ClickTime Mobile lets you record and submit time and expenses while you're on the go. This release (version 1.2.296 for iPhone and version 1.2.319 for Android) includes the following:

  • Better compatibility with Android 4.4 and iOS 7
  • Fixed issue with keyboard covering up Notes field on Android devices
  • Improved device detection and identification

Go to the App Store or the Google Play store to download the new version.

Please contact us and let us know about any suggestions, feedback, or issues you may have with the mobile app.

ClickTime Mobile App available on the App Store  ClickTime Mobile app available on Google Play

News Release Notes Resource Planning Timesheet

ClickTime 7.56

The release of ClickTime version 7.56 includes various Resource Planning and reporting improvements. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. Resource Planning – Shared Filters – We added the ability to share your filters with other people in your company. We also made it easier to revise, rename and delete your saved filters.
  2. New Report: Resource Utilization Summary – This new report produces an Excel file with lots of great summarized data per person. Use the report to determine profitability, billing goal progress and allocation analysis. It also includes a time off and billable hours summary. This report is available in the Report menu under the "People" category to customers using Resource Planning.
  3. Resource Planning – CSV Export Enhancement: – We now export additional information including billing rate, cost rate and summarized cost data.
  4. Bug fix: Reports Updated – We fixed the page header formatting on several reports that were incorrectly showing a time stamp when displaying the date range of the report.
  5. Bug fix: Quick Month – Fixed issue that prevented some newly added people from using the Quick Month feature in Resource Planning.
Beta Testing Expenses News Release Notes Timesheet Web Services

ClickTime 7.55

The release of ClickTime version 7.55 includes various reporting improvements. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. Reports Updated – We enhanced many reports to include additional support for displaying your company logo and to provide better results when exporting the data to Excel.
  2. Expense Export (beta) – We made various improvements to the customizable Expense Export (beta). This reporting tool is great for finding and exporting receipts and other information about expenses.
  3. Bug fix: Week View and Project List Controls – Fixed issue when a company is configured to restrict projects by division and employee wasn't assigned to a particular division.
  4. Bug fix: Week View and My Tasks – Fixed issue to properly reflect "My Tasks" settings when entering time on Week View.
  5. Bug fix: REST API documentation – Fixed broken links in our REST API documentation.
Expenses Release Notes Resource Planning Timesheet

ClickTime 7.53

The release of ClickTime version 7.53 includes improvements to Automated Notifications and DCAA compliance. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. DCAA – We now allow companies who enable DCAA compliance to enter zero-hour timesheet entries in the past. We also no longer require the person to enter a comment when adding time off entries for a date in the future.
  2. Account Number – You can now retrieve your company's account number by clicking on your name in the upper right corner after signing in to ClickTime.
  3. Bug fix: Automated Notifications – Timesheet approvers will get emailed reminders at the appropriate time about timesheets waiting for approval.
  4. Bug fix: Resource Planning – Fixed an issue that could cause inactive people to be shown.
  5. Bug fix: People List Search – Fixed an issue when searching the list of employees.
  6. Bug fix: Print Expense Sheet – The "Print Expense Sheet" button will work properly again.
Expenses Mobile Devices News Release Notes Technology Timesheet

ClickTime Mobile Updated for Android

There's a new version of the ClickTime Mobile app for Android devices. ClickTime Mobile lets you record and submit time and expenses while you're on the go. This release (version 1.2.277 for Android) includes the following:

  • Workaround for keyboard decimal point issues - Similar to an issue with Samsung phones, some HTC phones recently received updates that caused numeric keyboards to exist without a decimal point. This causes trouble when filling out your timesheet and entering expenses. As a workaround, we now treat number fields as text fields on all Android devices so the displayed keyboard includes a decimal point.

Go to the Google Play store to download the new version.

Please let us know about any suggestions, feedback, or issues you may have with the mobile app.

ClickTime Mobile app available on Google Play

News QuickBooks Release Notes Timesheet

ClickTime 7.51

With the release of ClickTime version 7.51 we updated the QuickBooks Connector and made a variety of improvements. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. Timesheet Approvals – Customers using the Timesheet Approvals module can copy or "cc" additional people when submitting timesheets for approval.
  2. Resource Planning – Improved the initial page-loading process to better indicate progress.
  3. QuickBooks Connector – An update for the ClickTime QuickBooks Connector is now available and includes an updated security certificate. Anyone who already has a copy of the QuickBooks Connector installed should receive the update automatically the next time you launch the application. Prior versions are fully secure but their security certificate will expire in May 2014.
  4. Reviewing Timesheets – We updated the interface for selecting people's timesheets to review and fixed formatting issues with IE10.
  5. Bug fix: Week View – Sorting – Project and task lists now sort correctly.
  6. Bug fix: Week View – My Projects – Only projects selected in "My Projects" will now appear in the project list.
Beta Testing Expenses News Release Notes Resource Planning Timesheet Web Services

ClickTime 7.5

We are happy to announce the release of ClickTime version 7.5 with new automated reminders and improvements to Resource Planning. Here’s what’s new in this release:

  1. Reminders for Timesheet Approvers – Customers using the Timesheet Approvals module can now schedule automatic reminders for all timesheet approvers who have one or more timesheets awaiting their approval. You can enable this reminder by going to the “Advanced” area under the “Company” tab and clicking the Automated Notifications option.
  2. Resource Planning – We added the ability for an administrator to clear out all budgets and/or allocations from a particular month. Additionally, the administrator may also now trigger a “Quick Month” at any time to copy budgets and/or allocations from a previous month into a new month.
  3. Expense Export (beta) – We significantly improved the speed of the beta version of the customizable expense export report.
  4. SOAP API – We added a sample SOAP web services project for Visual Studio to help customers get started using our SOAP API. Please review the web services documentation to download the sample project. We also fixed a string-matching capitalization issue with the division name and employment type name values for the AddPerson, AddPersonConfirmation and UpdatePerson methods.
  5. Expense Receipts and Firefox – We implemented a workaround for a bug in the Firefox web browser that could prevent expense receipt PDF files from being uploaded.
  6. Bug fix: Day View – Sub-Jobs and IE9 – We fixed a display issue when the Day View timesheet entry screen was used with sub-jobs and version 9 of Internet Explorer (IE9).
  7. Bug fix: Week View – Sorting Lists – Customized displays of project and task lists now sort correctly.
  8. Bug fix: Company Dashboard – Time Entry Completion – Today is now properly identified in the “Time Entry Completion” dashboard panel for all time zones.
  9. Bug fix: DCAA Timesheet Entry – A web browser can now scroll down properly to enter explanations when making many simultaneous changes to timesheet entries from the past.
  10. Bug fix: Timesheet Review – You can now properly review timesheets for inactive people.