Expenses Release Notes Resource Management Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.54

ClickTime Version 9.54 includes the following updates:

Resource Management Editable Views: Resource Management users now have the ability to save changes to existing Shared and Custom Views they create.

For more information on Resource Management, see our help documentation.

Expenses API Endpoints: New Expenses Endpoints for ExpenseItems and ExpenseSheets have been added.

For more information on ClickTime’s REST API, see our documentation.

Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.53

ClickTime Version 9.53 includes the following updates:

  • Project Access Levels are now respected in Resource Management – ClickTime now gives admins the ability to decide that project managers should only have access to “their own projects” in RM. Project Managers will only see those projects in their Resource Management Grid and Dashboard.
  • Resource Management Dashboard Quality Improvements – We’ve implemented a series of text and chart improvements to make the RM Dashboard more legible and clear.
Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.52

ClickTime Version 9.52 includes the following updates:

  • Bug Fix – Resource Management Shared Views were not inherited when a Manager or Administrator was inactivated. This issue is now resolved.
Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.51

ClickTime Version 9.51 includes the following updates:

  • Resource Management Shared Views – We are pleased to announce the ability to share Custom Views in Resource Management.
    • Custom Views can be shared with other members of your team (Administrators or Managers with access to Resource Management).

You can consult our help documentation here for more information.

Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime 9.49

ClickTime Version 9.49 includes the following updates:

  • Introduction of the Resource Management Dashboard – We are pleased to announce the release of the Resource Management Dashboard. The Dashboard helps to:
    • Optimize project profitability
    • Identify the right resources to meet project demands
    • Identify gaps in capacity & staffing

You can learn more about the Resource Management Dashboard by consulting our help documentation.

Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.47

ClickTime Version 9.47 includes the following updates:

  • Filtering Resource Management Grid by Project Manager – Project Manager has been added to the Specific Project Filter Popup in Resource Management. Users can quickly filter the grid by projects they manage, or projects someone else manages.
Release Notes Resource Management Web Services

ClickTime Version 9.46

ClickTime Version 9.46 includes the following updates:

  • Bug Fix – Fixed an issue where the Resource Management grid jittered when the browser zoom was set to less than 100%.
  • Bug Fix – When editing the “Next Timesheet Starts On” field, the chosen date incorrectly reverted to the current day’s date. The field now saves correctly.
Expenses Release Notes Resource Management

ClickTime Version 9.45

ClickTime Version 9.45 includes the following updates:

  • Copy and Clear Individual Budgets and Allocations in Resource Management – Bulk Actions in Resource Management can now be taken on all people and projects, or only the specific people and projects selected in the current view.
  • Ability to Turn Off Allocations Information in Time Entry – Admins can now hide information about Resource Management Allocations from Day View and Week View. The new company preference is found in the Project Estimations section.
  • Sort Resource Management Projects by Person Allocation and Worked Columns – Selecting the Allocated and Worked headers under each Person in Resource Management allows you to quickly see all the projects that someone is available to work on, or currently allocated to. 
  • Addition of Totals in Project Budget Popup – Total Billings, Total Budget Remaining, and the average % of Budget Worked each month have been added to the Project Budget Popup in Resource Management. This provides information for better project planning and budgeting over time.
  • Bug Fix – Account Creation is no longer blocked for emails that include an apostrophe.
  • Bug Fix – Expense Export (beta) now correctly displays Project Numbers that include dashes.
  • Bug Fix – Typeahead search on Week View now locates projects with leading spaces.
Release Notes Resource Management Resource Planning

ClickTime Version 9.44

ClickTime Version 9.44 includes the following updates:

  • Introduction of Resource Management – We are pleased to announce the release of ClickTime Resource Management, an enhanced version of our legacy Resource Planning module. While keeping functionality largely the same, we’ve included the following enhancements:
    • Increased application speed
    • Enhanced usability
    • Better visibility into month-over-month budget spend down

You can learn more about Resource Management through a short overview video, our consult our help documentation for more information.