News Release Notes Web Services

ClickTime 7.8

The release of ClickTime version 7.8 includes improvements to the detail person and client pages and improved compatibility with Microsoft's Edge browser. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. Detail Client – We made several enhancements to the new page for adding and editing clients.
  2. Detail Person – We made various enhancements to the new page for adding and editing people.
  3. REST API 1.3 – We updated the documentation to reflect support for approving and rejecting another person’s timesheet. If you're currently using an old version of our REST web services, check out our REST 1.3 documentation for information on what's changed. We encourage you to migrate as soon as possible. The old version is deprecated and will only be accessible until September 15, 2015.
  4. Browser Compatibility – We resolved minor UI issues with Microsoft’s new Edge browser. There's also now an alert to people using IE7 and IE8 on administration pages under the Company tab about support for those old browsers being phased out. Check out the ClickTime browser compatibility announcement for more information about supported browsers.
  5. Bug Fix: Report Builder – Fixed Report Builder issue that would incorrectly display the title and description from your previous Report Builder request rather than the current request.
  6. Bug Fix: Calendar Selector – Fixed calendar that defaulted to last year when selecting dates for a bulk addition/deletion of timesheet entries.
  7. Bug Fix: Find/Replace Timesheet Entries – We fixed an issue that prevented companies using Sub-Jobs from performing a "find and replace" request across timesheet entries.
News Release Notes Technology Time Tracking Timesheet

ClickTime 7.79

The release of ClickTime version 7.79 includes improvements to reporting and compatibility with Windows 10. Here's what's new in this release:

  1. Report Menu – You can set the new Report Menu as your "home page" so that it's the first thing you see each time you sign in.
  2. Incomplete Time Entry Report – You can now access this report directly from the new Report menu.
  3. Detail Client – We made several enhancements to the new page for adding and editing clients. This includes a "Save and Add Next" button to make entering multiple clients faster and easier.
  4. Resetting Your Password – We updated the "forgot your password" experience. Along with a refined appearance, it will now communicate if you try to use an expired "reset password" link.
  5. Windows 10 & Browser Compatibility – We continue to support the most current versions of the most popular web browsers. This includes Windows 10 with Microsoft's new Edge browser as well as the recently released Chrome 44 and Firefox 39. Check out the ClickTime system requirements for more information about supported browsers.